Rising Starz is dedicated to showcasing new and emerging musical talent. Our mission is to provide up-and-coming artists with a platform to share their stories and music with the world. Stay tuned for exciting interviews and behind-the-scenes insights from the next big stars! Rising Starz is ran by teenagers aged 13-19. To join the Rising Starz team, click the "Request an Artist" hyperlink. On that page there will be 2 Google Forms. The Google Form on the right is the application form. Upon recieving your request we will get to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
Interviewers (5)
Artists (for logo, thumbnails, and other occasional needed artwork) (2/3)
Social media managers (3)
Editor (1)
Coder proficient in HTML or Java (To help create another website or add onto this one) (1)
*All positions are volunteer positions.
Brian Durant came up with the idea for this website after listening to many unknown artists for a time. Some of the artist he listened to had songs that weren't really well known, and some of the artists weren't known at all themselves. Brian finally decided that art is a most sacred art form, that art should be perserved, and to interview some artists who deserve more recognition. He coded the first draft of this website by himself and assembled a team.
Vidmahi Tantry is a 12th grader from Bangalore, India. She studies Psychology, Economics, Commerce and English in school. In her free time she enjoys reading, listening to music, pacing around her house and watching long video essays on random topics.